Brooks Brothers holiday catalog arrived in our house today, and although I generally like their store, there were a couple of problems with it. First, it's a full month before Thanksgiving. Not even Halloween yet, and already they're hawking Christmas goods. Second, given the doom & gloom in reported the economy, are shoppers really in the mood for a $15,000 Christmas tree made of 250 silk ties in colors of your choosing? That only works out to $60/tie - you'd think they would offer a quantity discount during this lean holiday season. Neiman Marcus can get away with filling their holiday catalog with items that most people could never afford to buy - I'm not so sure that marketing strategy will work for Brooks Brothers.
This year, I am going to eschew the $15,000 tie tree and focus on the essentials when it comes to gift-giving. Consider instead the
genuine American alligator belt for $898. At least that way you can rationalize your materialism - you're buying American.
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